24 Tax Write-Offs for Pressure Washing Businesses

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a tax professional

If you run a pressure washing business, you might invest a fair amount of your own money into it. (Especially on equipment, like a high-pressure washer, hot water unit, X-jet, and a van to transport everything.)


Luckily, you can write off the cost of tools that are necessary for your job, as well as a number of other things, like car expenses, home office expenses, business meals, or business trips.

Power washing equipment
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

Power washers and related equipment used for work are tax-deductible.

Power washing supplies
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

Soap, chemicals, and other supplies needed to power wash are tax write-offs.

Equipment repairs
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 21

Any maintenance or repairs needed for your equipment to operate are fully deductible

Equipment depreciation
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 13

Each year you can deduct the depreciation on equipment like your cameras and lenses.

Protective gear
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

Write off the protective gear, like goggles and gloves, you wear while performing electrical work.

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 8

Print and online advertising costs for your business are considered write-offs.

Website & hosting fees
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 8

Squarespace, Wix, GoDaddy, and other website service fees are fully tax-deductible.

Contracted help
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 11

Freelancers, contractors, or other services that help you run your business are tax-deductible.

If you drive for work ...

Picking up pressure washing supplies or meeting with a client are both reasons a power washer might drive for work and claim related car expenses on their taxes.

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 27a

Parking for a meeting downtown, or any other work trip, is tax-deductible!

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 27a

A toll while driving to or from a work destination is tax-deductible!

Car purchase & depreciation
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 13

If you buy a new car, you can write off part of the cost every year for five years.

Vehicle tool kit
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

Flashlights, tire iron, duct tape, and other tools you may need in your vehicle are deductible.

Car insurance & registration
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 15

Car insurance monthly fees, registration, even roadside assistance are partially deductible.

Car maintenance
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 9

Oil changes, repairs, and regular checkups are all tax-deductible if you drive for work.

If you discuss work at a restaurant ...

The business meal deduction includes grabbing a coffee with a mentor to share industry insights or going for dinner with a vendor to chat about potential partnerships.

Business meals
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24b

If you discuss work with a coworker, mentor, client, or prospective client, it's a write-off!

If you leave town for work ...

If you head to another city that's at least 100 miles from your own for a work meeting or networking event, don't forget to claim travel expenses on your taxes.

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24a

Planes, trains, and car rentals are all work-related travel costs that can be written off.

Travel lodging
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24a

When you travel for work, lodging expenses such as hotel rooms or Airbnb are write offs.

Meals while traveling
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24a

When you're traveling for work, all meals are tax-deductible. Even takeout!

If you work from home ...

If you exclusively work on client development, industry research, or marketing from a designated workspace in your home, go ahead and claim the home office deduction when you file your business taxes.

Home office furniture
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 18

A desk, chairs, lamps, and other home office necessities are all tax write-offs.

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Property repairs
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 21

You can write off up to $2,500 for individual repairs to your property.

Power bill
Write it off using:

Form 8829

Gotta keep the lights on in your home office! A portion of your electricity bill counts.

Property insurance
Write it off using:

Form 8829

Whether it's rental or homeowners insurance, you can write off a portion through your home office deduction.

Water bill
Write it off using:

Form 8829

It'd be hard to work in an office without running water, huh? You water bill counts.

Wi-Fi bill
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 25

Your Comcast bill is a tax write-off. You need internet to do your job!