E-file with your State (up to 2)
Return is reviewed & signed by tax pro
Student tuition / loan credits & deductions
Homeowner credits & deductions
Personal itemized deductions (e.g. donations)
Stock & cryptocurrency investments
Childcare expense credits
Quarterly tax payment calculation
Hundreds of other common Federal deductions
Hundreds of State-level credits & deductions
Itemized business deductions (Schedule C)
Connect up to 10 financial institutions
Get personalized "Is this deductible?" answers
Finds business and personal deductions
Smart split™ deductions between businesses
Manually split deductions between businesses
Create & manage deduction prediction rules
Add itemized deductions manually
Store deduction receipt photos & notes
Quarterly tax payment support
Multi-State tax returns (3+ states)
Property management, K-1s (Schedule E)
Hundreds of other uncommon credits & deductions
File prior year tax returns (2022 or 2023)
Corporate tax filing (1120, S-Corp)