Athena Valentine Lent is an award-winning personal finance columnist for Slate Magazine and the author of "Budgeting For Dummies," published May of 2023. Athena became passionate about financial representation for the Hispanic community after teaching life skills in a Title I school where there was no financial literacy being offered. She's now an advocate on issues such as the Latina wage gap and multigenerational housing through her website, Money Smart Latina. Besides Slate Magazine, Athena has written for BuzzFeed, Prudential, Experian, T. Rowe Price, The College Investor, GOBankingRates, and Money Under 30, and now Keeper. She’s also the community liaison for FinCon, an annual conference for content creators and brands in the financial industry. When not working, you can find her reading a Stephen King novel with her main man, a polydactyl cat named Harrison George.
Keeper users have found write-offs worth
44 Montgomery St, Suite 02-176, San Francisco
Keeper users have found write-offs worth
44 Montgomery Street, San Francisco CA