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Montana Self-Employment Tax Calculator

Use Keeper’s 1099 tax calculator to see an estimate of your tax bill or refund. Feel free to tinker around, or get serious with our advanced info fields.

Your details

Your tax refund estimate

Federal tax bill
CA State tax bill
Adjusted gross income
Standard deduction
Business deductions
Other deductions
Taxable income
Gross taxes
Taxes withheld
Quarterly tax payments
Estimated federal tax bill
Estimated CA tax bill

Uncover $700 - $1,350* in business deductions

Keeper is the premier AI tax filing and expense tracking software, trusted by over 1M Americans.

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* actual average deductions claimed by Keeper customers with income profiles similar to yours.

Estimate tax saving

Track and claim every eligible deduction with Keeper

Keeper is the top-rated all-in-one business expense tracker, tax filing service, and personal accountant.


Can I take the standard deduction and still write off business expenses?
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Yes! A lot of freelancers and independent contractors don’t realize it’s possible to write off business expenses and claim the standard deduction. But you absolutely can.

How much can I make and not file taxes?
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For freelancers, side hustlers, and other self-employed people, the answer is $400 in self-employment income. That’s after you subtract your write-offs. People who only have W-2 income, though, don’t have to file taxes unless they’re making at least the standard deduction. Sometimes, though, you should file your taxes even if you’re not required to. You can get a refund back!

What happens if I don’t file taxes?
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You won’t go to jail — unless you evaded taxes on purpose and your tax bill is really high. The most common consequence is having to pay a penalty, up to 25% of what you owe. Depending on how behind you are, you might have to deal with other inconveniences, like being forced to paper file and losing out on your refund.

Can I file my own business taxes?
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If you’re a typical freelancer, gig worker, or sole proprietor, absolutely. A good tax software will make it simple to DIY, and you can even do it by hand. If your business is a corporation, though, you should probably hire an accountant.